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This short piece was inspired by an 'Everyday' theme following a writing prompt with Shop Irish Writers, Facebook Group.

It is just one illustration of the many strands in modern parenting, and my everyday experience as a full time Mammy.


Dirty dishes sprawl beside the kitchen sink, characteristic of the weary washing cycle that never knows an end. Forgotten laundry on the bench is bundled in limbo for yet another morning, and abandoned games and toys are tossed wherever a surface will oblige.

The cornflake crew had already been out in force. Never shy about leaving a trace, they had sprinkled their golden crumbs on the table-top. Some narrowly escaped the breakfast bowl and lay crisp and strewn around. Their soggy comrades who had fallen overboard lay scattered in between, floating in their pools of honey sweetened milk. Shaking my head in dismay, I see some blueberries having tumbled from their punnet, lie squashed and hiding, amongst the debris of yesterday’s make and do.

We welcome another morning to our everyday life. Some cartoons sing, and others blast on the TV. Spring lambs bleat their communal hellos in the neighbouring field. And the radio, sombre and monotone, churns out the woes of the world, beyond our safe cocoon.

Muddling through our disarray, these sounds filter and slowly fade. Wondering where to begin in our disorganisation and chaos, I resolve that my first battle is indeed with this crunchy, sticky mess!

“Mammy,” I hear a low voice say, as I start to get stuck in. “Mammy, will you play with me?” My small girl tugs lightly on my clothes. Full of breakfast and zest for life, it’s her time for outdoor fun. My conflicting duties clash within, and I am torn. Overwhelming anxiety starts creeping in as my mind races through all my bewildering tasks. I grow melancholy remembering all that needs to be done, in a house of delayed promises, and dreams on dusty shelves.

“Mammy…” she calls again. Her distant voice draws me from my reverie, and I am snapped back from oblivion. With a start, I answer, fondly, “Yes....yes, of course we’ll play!” Decidedly, I defer the first challenge of the day, and we prepare to venture out.

I notice her stained pants are wearing gaping knees. She giggles that at last, her skin can have a peek! Joy, mingles softly with my guilt as I help her odd socks step into welly boots. Her eyes twinkle like the summer sea and I follow their sparkle, skipping over my face. They smooth and brighten my burdened brow, and I’m appeased while she chatters about our adventure plans.

Stepping outside, I wrap her coat around her shoulders and zip out the cold. Her blueberry streaked tangles dance and flutter in the wind as we stride towards the swings. She gently takes my hand in hers. I smile, and feel my worries melt away.

I have found a slice of heaven in the mundane of my every day, as I am shrouded in the happiness of her warm, tender palm.

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